Real estate market, TRENDS, Buyers, luxury Danny Varona Real estate market, TRENDS, Buyers, luxury Danny Varona

Buyers Are Finding More Space in the Luxury Home Market

A year ago, additional space and extra amenities had a very different feel for homebuyers. Today, the health crisis has brought to light how valuable more square footage and carefully designed floorplans can be. Home offices, multi-purpose rooms, gyms, and theaters are becoming more popular, and some families are finding the space they need for these upgrades in the luxury market.

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Sellers, Buyers, Economy, Real estate market, luxury Danny Varona Sellers, Buyers, Economy, Real estate market, luxury Danny Varona

The Top Reasons People Are Moving This Year

Like many Americans, Seattleites are moving for a variety of different reasons. The current health crisis has truly re-shaped our lifestyles and our needs. Spending extra time where we currently live is enabling many families to re-evaluate what homeownership means and what they find most important in a home. According to Zillow…

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