Sellers, Economy Danny Varona Sellers, Economy Danny Varona

The #1 Reason to List Your Seattle House Right Now

The success of the Seattle real estate market, like the overall US housing market, is determined by supply and demand. This means we need to look at how many potential purchasers are in the market versus the number of houses that are available to buy. With early 2020 housing data now rolling in, it’s quite evident there are two big stories impacting this year’s residential real estate market

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Sellers Danny Varona Sellers Danny Varona

How Pricing Your Home Right Makes a Big Difference

Even though there’s a big buyer demand for homes in today’s low inventory market in Seattle, it doesn’t mean you should price your home as high as the sky when you’re ready to sell. Here’s why making sure you price it right is key to driving the best price for the sale.

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